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Completion of the BSL level 3 course paves the way for the learner to enrol on the BSL Level 4.
Course Details and Fees
Start date: 08rd January 2020
Duration: 30 weeks, on every Thursday TBC
Venue: Greenwich West Community and Arts Centre
141 Greenwich High Rd, Greenwich, London SE10 8JA
Fees: £1000 (includes assessment fee of £147 for three exams)
This level is for those working towards becoming professional BSL interpreters or signers.
This course is designed to enable the BSL signer to communicate in BSL at Level 3 of the National Occupational Standards for Languages.
At this level, the learner can work with deaf
people on a regular basis. It is also suitable
for people who use BSL on a regular basis
to communicate with friends, family,
or work colleagues.
There are 3 units in this course.
The student is required to pass all 3, after
which a certificate of completion
(signature qualification) is awarded.
Unit 1
(BSL320 – Sign Language Linguistics):
This unit involves developing an understanding,
grasp and competent use of the grammatical
rules of BSL.
Unit 2
(BSL321– Receptive Skills):
This unit involves understanding the varied use
of BSL in a wider range of work and social settings. The learner will learn how to follow and take
part in discussions on various topics at a normal
pace in work and social settings.
Unit 3
(BSL322 – Productive Skills):
This unit involves learning the skilful use of BSL in
a range of work and social settings. The learner will develop the skill in taking part in discussions
(lead, one-to-one and group discussions) as well
as being able to deliver extended presentations in BSL.
This course covers six themes: home life, social activities, education and training, employment, consumer
issues and daily living and Deaf history and culture.
A variety of teaching and learning methods will
be used, including:
Filmed assessed tasks
Receptive skills practice
Interactive group work and activities
Assessments are carried out by an assessor from Signature. Assessments take place during normal lesson times. Assessment fees are included in the fees.
Assessment for BSL level 3 will be in written paper format (unit 1) , video and written format (unit 2), and presentation and conversation in BSL (unit 3).
© Copyright - DMCS. Deaf Multilingual Community Support .
Registered Community Interest Company number 10506751.